Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Family Stories that Bind Us

This is a really cool article posted earlier this year in The New York Times.

Turns out family history is just as important for us to know as it is for us to "do." So true!

Thanks to middleagedmormonman for posting it!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Billion Graves Project

I heard about a while back, and now that my husband has an iPhone we thought we'd try it out, so we spent the late afternoon at a local cemetery photographing headstones, and I spent too long tonight transcribing and linking information to FamilySearch. This is so neat! I need to get some users on board in Japan, though gathering data from gravesites is not so simple there...

If you have some spare time and want to help others with their family history research, this is a fun and easy way to do it!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I haven't forgotten!

I know I still have a lot of work ahead of me, and I am trying to get other things in order so I can move forward on it. There will be more to come!

This little guy wants me to find his family! (My dad as a child in Osaka. He passed away nearly 12 years ago now.)